The ethnography of Nambicuara agriculture
article 1979 Aspelin, Paul Leslie

NambicuaraSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
This article is a continuation of Aspelin's previous article in which he challenges Levi-Strauss's description of the Nambiquara as seasonal nomads, primarily substing on hunting and gathering. Triangulating information from a wide variety of archiva...

Nambicuara economic dualism
article 1976 Aspelin, Paul Leslie & Lévi-Strauss, Claude

NambicuaraSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
This article discuss the dynamics of agriculture, seasonality and settlement patterns among the Nambicuara of Brazil. The author strongly disagrees with Levi-Straus who, based on brief fieldwork conducted in 1938, described the Nambicuara as nomadic ...

Real toads in imaginary gardens
article 1978 Price, David et al.

NambicuaraSouth America > Amazon and Orinoco
This article revisits the controversy between Levi-Strauss and David Aspelin on dynamics of subsitence and settlment among the Nambiquara of Brazil. The author takes side with Aspelin to argue that Levi-Strauss's description underestimates the role o...